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“I was truly amazed by the outstanding service provided by ABC Nanny Source! Initially, I had reservations about using a local nanny Agency In Or, but now I can confidently say that it is the best way to find someone to care for your children. The or Nanny Candidates recommended to us were truly exceptional. I was astounded by the professionalism, experience, and commitment of each and every candidate we met. We successfully hired our nanny in Rivergrove shortly after registering and we are excited to have her with us for many years to come. We are extremely grateful!”
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Sheri is an experienced Nanny in Rivergrove!

Rivergrove Nanny Sheri's References

“I cannot stress enough how amazing Sheri is as a nanny in Rivergrove! Originally, she joined our family for just a month during a particularly difficult and stressful time. However, she not only agreed to stay longer, but she has consistently gone above and beyond the call of duty to make the past year easier for all of us, especially my two sons. Despite the challenges of living through our ups and downs, Sheri has remained a loving and positive presence. She quickly formed a strong bond with our children and has never let them down, providing them with warmth and nurturing while also enforcing necessary structure and discipline. Sheri is with the boys from when they leave school until dinnertime, even helping them with their homework (which is no easy task, considering one of my sons has a learning disability). I can always rely on her to keep me informed about their lives and any communication from their teachers. On top of all these invaluable qualities, Sheri possesses excellent organizational skills, which have been a true blessing for both the boys and myself. With numerous appointments and conflicting activities to manage, Sheri has handled it all with ease. Additionally, when the boys are at school, she takes on various tasks for me, from running errands to researching specific inquiries and potential purchases. (Speaking of purchases, Sheri is an expert at finding bargains and has been remarkably diligent in sticking to our budget!) Her efforts have saved me a tremendous amount of stress and have helped me meet deadlines that would have otherwise been missed.”

“I'd like to start by providing some context regarding the reasons why Sheri was hired and the dynamic within our family. As a stay-at-home Dad going through a divorce, I needed to return to work and move to a new home in September. Initially, we sought a full-time nanny for the month of August, with the intention of transitioning to part-time once the children started school. However, there were additional complexities to consider. My eldest son has behavior and emotional challenges that make parenting more difficult, and the divorce had caused anger within our household. Despite being fully aware of these circumstances, Sheri willingly accepted the position and embraced her role wholeheartedly. During this transitional period, Sheri brought much-needed structure to the children's lives. She effortlessly handled the day-to-day logistics, such as errands, doctor's appointments, and school pickups. Constant communication through phone calls and emails kept me at ease, knowing that my children were safe under her care. Sheri collaborated with an Applied Behavior Analyst (ABA) and sought guidance from my son's psychologist and therapist to effectively manage his needs. She also extended her efforts to support my youngest son, who was grappling with anger stemming from the divorce, by working closely with his therapist at Eagle Crest. In addition to her exceptional caregiving, Sheri took on the role of a personal assistant. She went above and beyond, assisting with tasks outside of her nanny responsibilities. For instance, she played a significant role in helping me settle into a new apartment by engaging with realtors and shopping for furniture and other essential items. As the boys primarily lived with me, Sheri ensured that their living space was comfortable and secure. When faced with landlord issues, she took charge, gathering information from the town and county to build a strong case for our relocation and even attended court hearings. As the year progressed, we needed to hire additional help for evenings and weekends. Sheri skillfully handled the entire hiring process, from creating advertisements and screening candidates to conducting interviews and negotiating salaries. Although I allowed her to believe I made the final decisions, it was truly Sheri who found someone just as dedicated and caring as herself. Unsurprisingly, Sheri also played a crucial role in managing my personal affairs. She efficiently ran errands, organized my daily routine, reminded me of upcoming appointments, and handled various tasks, allowing me to focus on adjusting to my new job. It will undoubtedly be challenging to find someone who can seamlessly fill her shoes. Sheri has proven to be reliable, dependable, and capable of handling a wide range of responsibilities. She effortlessly manages daily tasks and readily adapts when circumstances require adjustments. Open to receiving advice from others, she skillfully translates it into effective action. Moreover, Sheri offers valuable insights but always seeks approval before proceeding. In a year that has been filled with hardships for my family, Sheri has lightened our burden by shouldering daily chores such as preparing meals, doing the children's laundry, maintaining a clean home, and handling grocery shopping. Perhaps even more importantly, she has provided comfort, guidance, and occasional discipline for my children. Her remarkable qualities make her an outstanding candidate for the role of a nanny in Rivergrove representing ABC Nanny Source.”

“One of the most important decisions parents face is choosing a childcare provider who can create a safe, loving, and nurturing environment for their children. I am incredibly fortunate to have found Sheri to care for my children! She has been an absolute blessing. Back in March 1997, my husband and I interviewed Sheri to be our nanny in Rivergrove for our three children, with the help of a nanny agency. At the time, our children were 6 months, 3 years, and 6 years old. We needed someone to watch them three days a week, for around 10 hours a day. From the moment we met Sheri, we knew she would fit in seamlessly with our family! Our three-year-old instantly felt at ease, climbing onto her lap with a book as she patiently read through the pages with him. Sheri has a wonderful way of providing warmth, encouragement, and comfort to my children, by tapping into her own childlike spirit. She often sits on the floor with them, meeting them at their own level. They thrive off her fun-loving nature and the undivided attention she gives them! Sheri willingly joins in on childhood games like hide-and-seek, Chutes and Ladders, and card games. We can't help but joke about how she maintains the same enthusiasm for the 10th game of Candy Land as she did for the first! Throughout the eight years Sheri has been with us, she has adapted her interaction with the children as they have grown. She skillfully catered to the needs of my 6-month-old, handling everything from illnesses to diaper changes and meal preparations. When my son Bethany was diagnosed with ADHD in 1999, Sheri went above and beyond to provide him with the additional patience and guidance he required. She diligently followed a special diet we implemented, free from preservatives, artificial colors, and flavors. When he needed therapy sessions, she faithfully drove him to his appointments. She even assisted my daughter in becoming a confident and positive pre-teen, offering guidance on hairstyles, clothing choices, and general advice. Sheri is truly an extraordinary individual who has a genuine love for children! The children absolutely adore her and give her"peanut butter and jelly kisses"nanny in Rivergrove, which is synonymous with Sheri's loving gesture of a kiss on each cheek. Sheri is a trustworthy and dependable caregiver, always punctual in her arrival. She displays adaptability and initiative, readily comprehending tasks without constant repetition of instructions. Sheri readily takes on regular household chores such as laundry, dishwashing, light vacuuming, tidying, preparing nourishing school lunches, grocery shopping, cooking dinners, and even baking delectable desserts. Recognizing when additional effort is required, she willingly goes the extra mile. For instance, while unloading groceries, Sheri proactively takes it upon herself to clean out the refrigerator and wipe down the shelves, ensuring a cleaner and more organized environment. Sheri actively engages in the children's lives, orchestrating their participation in various activities. In the summertime, she escorts them to swimming lessons, demonstrating her commitment by jumping into the deep end to reassure my son that she will be close by if assistance is needed. She enthusiastically attends school plays and concerts, chauffeurs the children to and from scouting events, and provides invaluable support when they encounter challenging homework problems. The playground frequently visited by the children becomes fondly known as Sheri's special destination."Sheri's Playground"Sheri, our nanny in Rivergrove, has chosen this playground because she believes it to be the safest in the area, offering open spaces where she can keep an eye on all the children at once. The neighborhood mothers are continuously amazed at Sheri's competence and enthusiasm, often remarking on how lucky I am to have her taking care of my children. Whenever the kids fall ill, Sheri steps in and assists in their recovery, ensuring they receive proper care. She never hesitates to take them to the doctor or make sure they take their medication. When my son battled pneumonia, Sheri never left his side, always ready to respond to his needs. To prevent boredom, she engages the children in calming and enjoyable games. Thankfully, our family has been relatively healthy, but if any illness strikes, Sheri is more than capable of handling various health issues such as colds, flu, conjunctivitis, ear infections, stomach troubles, and post-surgery recoveries. Sheri has also proven herself invaluable during our family vacations. She efficiently planned our entire trip to Orlando, Florida, providing us with a detailed itinerary of events. Her knowledge of the Disney theme parks was instrumental in ensuring we made the most out of our vacation. During visits to water parks and the Oregon shore, we could count on Sheri to keep a watchful eye on the children, affording my husband and me a chance to enjoy some time alone without worrying about their safety. In short, Sheri has truly been a godsend for our family. She has given my husband and me countless hours of worry-free childcare. She is reliable, dynamic, creative, and a joy to be around. Sheri excels at bringing out the best in our children and teaching them in innovative ways. Through her positive influence, my children are growing into confident and secure individuals.”

“In Rivergrove, our paths crossed with Sheri in December 1999 when she became the nanny for Holly. Our daughter, Rachel, and Holly quickly formed a strong bond and became close friends, often enjoying frequent sleepovers. It was usual to find Sheri at Holly's place, diligently taking care of the children. We had complete faith that Rachel was in excellent hands under Sheri's care. With her unwavering reliability and sense of responsibility, Sheri never failed to impress. Rachel had a deep affection for Sheri, drawn to her vibrant energy and enthusiastic nature.”

“In 1988, I first met Sheri, my nanny in Rivergrove, through her cousin and the previous full-time nanny, Louise. At the time, my older daughter, Alesandra, was 2 years old and my youngest daughter, Danielle, had just been born. Sheri initially filled in for Louise on her days off, vacations, and such. This arrangement continued throughout 1989 until Louise had to leave her position. That's when I decided to hire Sheri as my full-time nanny. As a nanny in Rivergrove, Sheri proved to be absolutely wonderful. She was incredibly caring, patient, and helpful. My daughters eagerly anticipated her arrival each day. Sheri worked excellently with both my children and me. She took care of everything, from changing diapers and feeding to playing and assisting with grocery shopping and light errands. I trusted her completely, even allowing her to drive with my children in her car. She even joined us on our boat trips and beach vacations during the summer. However, things changed when my mother permanently moved in with us. With her assistance, I no longer required a full-time nanny. It was a bittersweet farewell to Sheri, as she had become an invaluable part of our lives. Her kind and helpful nature made her an all-around terrific person, and I'm grateful that my family had the opportunity to have her in our lives.”

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